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To ski

diumenge, 9 de març del 2008

These last days have been colder: here, it has done a strong wind, the typical Empordan wind called Tramuntana; it has been rain and also it has snowed in the most of places of Spain.
Now, the mountains are snowed, and we know that a lot of people go to spend some days to ski, although, when it doesn’t snow, the ski slopes have to have artificial snow because the skiers could ski.

This is a sport which practice in winter and it is very funny. But the bad thing is that it is a little expensive to practice because you have to have a good skiing kit: special trousers, jacket, glasses, boots and skies (however, if you haven’t got skies, you can hire them in special shops); and the other thing is that you have to pay to skiing in slopes, and if you want to learn how to ski, also you have to pay to a ski instructor.

Well, now I’m telling you the last time that I was in the snow.
In my high school, the students who are in the second year of ESO use to go skiing, and this excursion is the “crèdit de síntesi”.
Three years ago, I went in this excursion with my colleagues and some teachers. We spent three days there and it was an experience very nice and funny. I learnt and skied a lot, I spent good times with my friends, and we had some anecdotes which I never will forget.
Each winter, my parents say: “this year we will go to Puigcerdà and we will spend one day to skiing”. But it doesn’t keep because since that year, I haven’t been to the snow more times…:(

That’s all… BYE*


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