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Four days on holiday

dimarts, 4 de desembre del 2007

Well, tomorrow is the last day of the week that we have class before of “el pont”.
We’ve already finished the exams of this term, but next week we’ve got more.
These next four days are holidays and some people go to a trip, but I stay here. My parents go to Sevilla and Portugal and my sister and I would go with them because we haven’t stayed there. But it isn’t possible, we must stay at home :(
I don't know what I will do these days...

One of the trips that I have done with my family, it was 5 years ago. We went to Paris and Disneyland Paris, we stayed there four or five days, I don’t remember. About this trip I told some of you when I did my oral presentation, but now I tell again something about this.
Disneylad Paris is a famous park where there are a lot of popular Disney characters that they appear in Disney films. This park is near to Paris, it was created in 1992 and this year is his 15th birthday.
We went there when it was Halloween time and the entire park was decorated with pumpkin, spiders, also spider’s web, witches and more things.
Also there was a place where some woman put make-up on children’s face.
One day, we went to visit Paris and when we were on top of Torre Effield we could see the entire city. It is very beautiful.

This is a castle of Disney:

Well, I hope that everybody will enjoy their holiday;)

1 comentari:

Laura Carrera ha dit...

avans m'has dit que estaves fen això d'anglès, i m'he decidit passar-m'hi^^

graaCiess per tooot:)

aa biigg kiss forr youu[!] (:

i don't write this in English because my English is so bad. =(



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